torsdag, juni 14, 2007

Vad skulle arbetsmiljöverket säga?

I International Herald Tribune (via The Nation) kan man läsa om de skummaste fatworna (utlåtande av muslimsk rättslärd) någonsin. Artikeln i sin helhet ger en väldigt intressant inblick i försöken att hantera uråldriga religiösa påbud i en modern verklighet. Men det är amningsfatwan som stannar kvar på näthinnan när man läst klart:

First came the breast-feeding fatwa: It declared that the Islamic restriction on unmarried men and women being together could be lifted at work if the woman breast-fed her male colleagues five times.


The breast-feeding fatwa came in mid-May. A religious scholar who headed the department of the teachings of the Prophet at the Foundation of Religion College in Al Azhar University wrote that there were instances in the time of Prophet Muhammad when adult women breast-fed adult men in order to overcome the need for women to veil in front of men. "Breast-feeding an adult puts an end to the problem of the private meeting, and does not ban marriage," wrote Izat Atiyah. "A woman at work can take off the veil or reveal her hair in front of someone whom she breast-fed."

Det känns som om att det inte nödvändigtvis skulle leda till en helt bekväm stämning på jobbet? Det kan vara värt att påpeka att fatwan senare drogs tillbaka.